Cursed By Athena
On the run, concealing her identity, Colors feels responsible for murders committed to get to her. She must act alone, think alone, and avoid surveillance. A hard run pushes away the dread that she’ll become a lab rat. She turns to Colonel Sam Hennessey, a security specialist, to help her stop those who hunt her.
Like the ancient Greeks who felt they were at the mercy of their gods, Colors feels cursed. Even she doesn’t know the whole story behind the secret she keeps and its association to the Athena Project. With forces aligned against her, Colors fights to keep her secret and stop the insanity now connected to her life.

Writing has been an integral part of Sherry’s life. For thirty-seven years she taught high school English in the Quincy Public Schools, making a living that incorporated her lifelong love of literature and writing. After years of talking about writing, she is finally experimenting with her own creative writing. Sherry’s goal is to finish a novel that is fun to read. Sixty chapters and several years later, she’s in the process of self-publishing it.
Self-Publishing Pep Talk for Novices
If your are considering self-publishing, the doors are wide opening. But . . . are you ready to become a publisher? As a newly self-published author, I hope to share what happened to me.
“Gabby, stay off your phone!” Mom called as I left with Grandma Louise. We were going to one of my favorite places, Henrietta’s Tea Room. I tucked my phone into my Vera Bradley hipster purse and vowed to be good, meaning not to constantly text or facetime my friends....
Why Athena?
Cursed by Athena is not a mythological story. Since Homer’s Odyssey is one of man’s oldest narratives, I included references to Athena and the Odyssey as a tribute to humanity’s love of a well-told story. The Greek gods could be menacing or helpful to man, and my...
Headshot Photography credit: Nicki McGuire, Irish Eyes Photography